Dream Chasing: A.Fogarty Photography goes Full-Time

In last month's newsletter I told you that this year I set some big goals for myself and my business. I set 10 goals to be exact and number ten (the one I thought was going to be hardest) was being completely self-employed by 2018. Some of you may already think that I do photography full-time, and well logistically that's probably true, for a year and half I was also working part-time doing social media for Maine Medical Partners.
To be honest, working in healthcare was never a passion of mine. I never saw myself working in a corporate word, sitting in a cubicle that I had to punch in and out of. But the universe has weird ways of working. For almost one year of my time there, I worked alongside my Dad. Although we didn't work directly together, we spent many lunches in the break room, I heard his laughter coming down the hallways on a weekly basis, or there were many times I was surprised by the Dunkin and sour patch kids sitting at my desk in the morning.
The last year of his life, we were closer than ever and I know that part of that has to do with us working for the same organization. This organization supported me in more ways than one during his passing. I'm beyond grateful for the co-workers that became friends, and the time off they granted me to heal, is a gift that I can simply never give back. MMP will always hold a special place in my heart and I'm so grateful for the time that I spent there.
But as wedding season started to kick into full gear, I began to realize that my time there was coming to a close. As I enter a new season of life it was time to put in my notice and finally take my photography business full-time. It has been a dream of mine to be completely self-employed and I was ready to take the big jump.
So here I am, jumping. Living my dream life. Embracing the fear and accepting the challenge to live my life in the now, because we are simply not promised tomorrow. I know this next step will be full of adventure and I can't wait to see what is in store.
So now, I'd love to hear from you. What dreams are you chasing? How are you living in the now? Drop me a line on my contact page. I'd love to hear from you.