Life With The Libbys | What I Wear as a Wedding Photographer | Outfit Inspiration

Where my wedding photographers at? Are you in search of the perfect black jumpsuit or comfortable shoe for this season? I'm sharing a roundup of my favorites & picks for each season and level of formality.
From the very start of my career (I shot my first wedding in high school) I knew the importance of looking professional when showing up to work at someone's big day. We often get comments on it which is always reassuring. For the most part - I feel like black is a safe bet. It is always my go-to mostly because it's easy and takes the guessing game out of styling an outfit come wedding day. (Speaking of - I always pick mine out the night before). However, I always lean into my client's style and planners advice. We send out a questionnaire leading up to the wedding day and ask the formality/dress code of the wedding which helps us evaluate the best option for the day. If a client is having a garden party and wants everyone in florals we are happy to oblige. But for the most party - these black dresses, jumpsuits, and pants & tops are my go-tos. Comfort meets style meets functionality. Let me know what you think.