Ryley Logan | Birth Photography

On Saturday September 5, 2018 I was able to be a part of, and photograph, one of the most incredible experiences of my life. The day Ryley Logan McLaughlin was born.
The morning of September 5th I got the call that my best friend was being induced to give birth to her first baby. I eagerly (and safely) drove from Portland to my hometown of Houlton, Maine to be there and photograph the birth of their baby boy.
I honestly went into the day with no expectations. If she changed her mind about having it photographed, that was ok - and I'd just be there as a friend. I never experienced or photographed a birth before so I honestly had no idea what to expect.
But being a part of this special moment with two of my best friends was one of the most beautiful experiences of my life.

I'm an only child, and I don't think it hit me until my adult life that I might not ever get the ability to be an aunt. Like, a real Aunt. Martha always laughed when I said this, and told me that I would most certainly be an Aunt to her child. I was always like ya, ya.. you're so sweet.
But I'll tell you, being in that room with Martha & Logan on this day as they welcomed their baby boy into the world, and feeling the love & joy they have for each other and for their new baby boy - I was overcome with emotions. I was able to be a part of something so monumental in their lives, and in Ryley's.
I truly felt like an Aunt that day, and for that I'm forever grateful.

I was there in the first few months that Martha & Logan started dating in high school. We spent our summers at the lake and weekends at camp. And from the very beginning stages of their dating lives, I idolized their relationship.
They had a love so special at that age, rooted in friendship and laughter, which I admired the most.
I was able to photograph their engagement photos, and stand beside them as a bridesmaid in their wedding. I wished and hoped alongside them as they dreamed for the day they would welcome a healthy baby into this world. Because if anyone knows M&L - they were born to be parents.
Their maternity photos brought a lot of the same emotions as I was able to share in their happiness for a day that wished and prayed for was finally becoming a reality.

This is Martha, smiling. While in the hospital. Giving Birth. Yes, you read that right. She even was cracking jokes with the doctor while giving birth. I'll tell you - this girl is superwoman. Her strength on this day and all the days leading up to have inspired me.
When faced with adversity she continued to have hope and honor exactly how she was feeling. She is one of the most beautiful souls I have ever known, and I feel so fortunate to call her a friend.
Log & Ry are so lucky to have you for a family Mart. Motherhood looks so good on you.

AND this guy. The smiling, teary eyed, new dad. Equally inspiring. I've always admired the way he loved Martha, and now watching him love and grow into the Dad role has been truly amazing.
Log, you're one of the best guys around and M&R are so lucky to have you.

Baby McLaughlin's first few moments in this world. Beautiful as can be - and a full set of hair!

The moment Martha's mom was able to rejoice in the welcoming of their new grandson with her husband and Logan's Mom.

The entire waiting room was full of family anxiously awaiting the arrival of baby boy. Seeing the love in this room brought me to tears.

Needless to say, it has been a true honor to be part of and capture the love story of this family. Because over the years - they have become my family too.